Liberty bell fell and shattered to pieces last week. The hemp rope held it for nearly 300 years and then just got fed up and disintegrated. Whose job was it to monitor the rope? You cant expect the Jamaican janitor to give a shit about it. He would enjoy the fact that it was hemp but thats about it. Shit maybe he smoked it. Anyway,you would think that after it fell once and got that big crack on the side that made it famous, that the historical society would be on top of things. The Bell has lost all its glory and now it a rubble ruin. Sads me up bad to see "The Freedom Fragments" being displayed in 3 shoe boxes and a bucket for Christ sakes. Its new name is the Containers of Equal Opportunity .
Im all for melting potting it down and making something useful out of it, like a bronze community tobacco spittoon for the town square. It will be the Cuspidor of Independence! The Liberty Spitter! People can make a wish and leave an offering of chewed chew. No rope is needed and a couple of guys can dump it once a week in the Vietnam Veterans Koi pond. I got a Charter for the chew chalice if you would like to sign.
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