That poor duck burped and sneezed at the same time! It ruined his larynx and his quack quack sounds like a muffler with a hole in it. The scientists all came out to see if the duck was being a parrot and was mimicking the motorboats and disrupting the migratory patterns of the other ducks. I notified them of the burp sneeze and told them the only cure was a cough fart combo to relieve the tension on his fowl vocal cord. They looked at me as if I was disrupting science and escorted me off the marsh. I shot them the bird and foot peeled out!
I hauled butt home to get the duck some bean medicine and dig in my little sisters waste basket for a snotty Kleenex. Poor little sis always hacking up something greenish. She produces the main ingredient for the Ducks concoction of viral bean snot rag stew. It cures muffler mouth every time. Makes a person cough toot so hard their eyes sty up.

One of your finest!!
sound like a recipie to wipe out the new world order.
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