Holy mole the Loofah is a Gourd! Always thought it was a sea sponge but i have discovered its a plant. The Loofah aka Washrag Gourd is a plant that you can dry out and scrub your body in the galvanized metal wash tub out on that land of yours. You should handsome yourself a handle from one of the many mesquite trees you have and be sure that handle forks off to dangle some real life mistletoe for holiday kissing baths. Once that happens scrubbing your back down low would be filled with joy to the world. Your bathing maid will kiss clean your ass all in the name of Christmas! You lucky son of a gun! You have got everything you need up on that property of yours. A huge Loofah lot with a lifetime of scrubbers and enough mistletoe to hickie cover ur body. I cant believe you got that place for 4k and it was turn key ready to go.
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