Wanted: Hot Coffee
For: My Hole
Hi im a plastic bag. A 3 ply Hefty sac. I want hot coffee. You can put it in my hole. I like the coffee to melt my bag sac so trash can empty out onto the street when hired hands fling me to the curb. Ill take spillage from your cup even.You need to make way for cow cream and fake chemical cane sugar for your roasted shredded bean beverage anyway. So go on, dump it in my hole to drip around into my sac lining. Melt my flingy bag!!!! My hole is easy to spot. Its between my cheeks that hold half n halfs, wholes, skims and sugary condiments. Use my cheeks. Use them to sweeten your tall grande vente cup of bean broth. I am at your service. You make me melt!!!! I need a good flinging you caffeinated chugger! Please pour coffee in my hole. I really love it. Why would anyone not enjoy it?
Dizzy dizzy spin me rouunndddd
That's a damn good shot there, Hollis.
Me Sewer Hole, want newborn babies and crippled pets or hot robbery guns and bloody switchblades so I can feed or fight off the gators livin' in my belly.
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