I love Tea and freinds. I think I like tea more but dont tell my best friend Rebecca that, haha. My whole life is either Tea or my sweet pal Rebecca. Tea is something i have been into since I was a wee woman girl living in Russia. Its either tea or becky for me. I still harvest my tea the same generational method but now in NY instead of a field, my plants are in the back alley in a modified dumpster. I grow a sooty looking tea.
The whole process is organic and let me take you through the process. A normal day for me is working my garden grows and helping out Rebecca who the state assigned me to her care. Its a good job and they give me her social security as payment. My day usually starts early. I put on my garden gloves and find a nice tall stalk and pick its buddings and tender tips from my dumpster bushes. Next I lay the leaves on the stoop grates and wither them in the cabbie exhaust then I tend to Rebecca who needs assistance.
The next morning I curl the leaves and ferment them, then I go flip Rebecca cuz she aint able and her eyes are usually stuck to a bag of peas. Around the afternoon hour I grind them tender tips to a fine mixture, then I hoist rebecca out of the deep freeze to thaw out a little bit so she will be ready for tea time. Then about 5 minutes till 4 oclock tea I put the leaves in an old pair of ankle hose and drain dunk our mugs until its a nice gray. We sit and chat and she always needs help. I grab her fancy china cup and force sooty grey in her blue mouth. She enjoys it even though I can be rough sometimes. Im not perfect and helping invalids can really test my nerves. In the hot summer we get along better and I place her cold skinny frame nicely on my lap to keep my parts chill while i drink my hot sooty. After tea i clean up and im so tired, to be honest im pretty rough with Rebecca. I usually just chunk her back in the deep freeze. She dont mind at all. Shes stone cold dead tired too.
Its tough helping invalids. Im real lonely for an old manly looking lady. No body wants me. No body thats warm that is. Warm like good ol smooth sooty.
I want to have your babies.
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