Abie got tubes in her ears and cant go swimmin without her plugs. Shes also real moody in the mornings and you will need to horsie knee her for a good 20. If she asks for a Bah Bah milk then the formula is in the Pantry. Its by pedyalyte and if you are hungover have some, its chuck full of electrolytes. About noon Abie will need to be laid on stomach and lightly back spanked till she falls for her nap. She may burb spittem so rag her hole. The TV went to pot so she needs to be entertained. I put some entertaining supplies on top of broken tv. Theres a microphone, horse head mask, a bucket and some wooden spoons. She like theatricks so be a good sport and wiggle and giggle up a show. I like to make horse eat from bucket with a spoon and sing a song. She thinks its TV and can watch for hours. Alright, numbers on fridge if anything happens. Help yourself to the Squirt in the garage.
Mrs Burke