Short stories, mini-fables, whispers and notes of nuisance.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Always Wet and Dank

You feel fine today? Cuz I feel damp, real soaked and dank like but theres no liquid
on me.
My senses are dull this morning, I guess.
I went to brush my teeth only to encounter my mouth was full of last nights dinner.
I think it was chicken salad, I actually couldn't tell cuz I woke up in my half brother's mother's glasses and wearing my step dads dirty laundry.
I sleep in my grandmothers room and the lights stay off while I get ready for school cuz my whole brother and pappy sleep.
They work the night shift real good.
They work it so good that the boss man has them doing it 7 days a week.
My neck has a very painful crick in it from sleeping in the twin size that's become my familys hamper.
I think I blanketed up in somebody's moistened night shift suit.
Thus my plight of having the constant damps.

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