I feel another black eye coming on and its not fair. I hasten to gander what kind of fight i will become apart of tonight. Last night my hooded sweat shirt was ingeniously turned into a carry all bag and it was full of stinky sea flotsam which caused the patrons of Dandys to plateau their smiles. All uptight and aggro they flung my poor hoody to the sawdusted peanut shelled floor(why irish pubs are okay with nut litter is beyond me). Not understanding the importance of my research on the biology of flotsam the drunk snarled face short order cooks gallavanted on my ocean debris turning into a frenzy dance that encompassed kicking my research out the door and sticking hankerchiefed assy in my face. Well I explained im all about the love and would rather snuggle cuddle and kissy rather than brawl punchy and fight. They retorted with an upper cut smack which I hasten to tell you my listener- it caused a smiled glasses wearing scientist to swell shut his eye!!! A Patrons margarita ice slush compacted eye swell as I ran to the egress. The politics of communication is something i really need to study. Im always putting my loafer foot way up in my pie eater.
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