Ha ha, that cute Burro is full of snacks. Wow, jolly ranchers, sugared sour patchers, sweet tarts, Andy Cap hot fries, and wait.....cough drops? You cant do this to the brain. The highway passages to the mind will be opened up from the powers of eucalyptus and make the hippocampus a fructose dumping ground. Sugar is turning to fat up in the head making belly bulges off the east and west sides of the craniums. Holy shit, you are single handedly pushing the human race to evolve into robust noggined aliens. These creatures are not from mars but from the future. The snack burro's with the Vick"s drops are severely messing with genetics, so stop medicating your snacks you fat head. Just because something is sweet and minty it doesn't mean its a safe option for in between meals.
Also, on the weekends after a couple of drinks, you have on occasion, filled my cactus shot glass with Vick's Nyquil. I cant tell how detrimental this is to my person. Waking up from a minty mini coma the next day is one thing. But the combo of over drinking dehydration and my dried out nasal passages is outrageous. My insides feel and look like a kiln. A kiln thats arid enuff to turn a clay donkey into a ceramic snack burro.
Pony me up a pint of problems in a equine vessel. I no longer need a pillow for sleeping off my hangovers. My chubbied cabeza you developed plumps out nicely to craddle my drooling frowning face