Dear Dirty Boy Flauntleroy,
I believe I have found your bootaneer amongst 7 others underneath the guest rooms canopy bed. In addition to bootaneers I have also discovered a rather peculiar assortment of items. These include garters in a bag of BC powder, terry cloth knickers drenched in gastor oil, head bands balled around a wet petticoat, and a myriad of different hand fans. It appears that the hot flashing widow was at it quite a bit. My canopy bed is destroyed from her frumpy humpys. She has lily-paded my duvet with brown sweat staines and bum burned some sweat circle on the credenza. She could have at least ass- cheeked on a coaster and saved my veneer. These bootaneer bangers must have displayed her like a buffet on the duvet and cock propped her to the credenza and got their jollys on her fleeing estrogen eggies. No clue why a bootaneer beau like you would find pleasure in probing a housing of perspiration. But leave it to a fool to climb on up on a frump that is pooling from leg up in diaphoresis.
I have attached a photo of said bootaneers and please by all means circle yours and I will take the molded relic from the fridge and foot messenger it myself over to Redds. After these amazing discoveries I am thirsty and feel like having a Flaming Dr Pepper to honor the moist widow neighbor and her spontaneous combusting menopausing body. Who knows Dirty Boy Fauntleroy, maybe after a couple of flammies with a hard up horny galoot like yourself, I may throw a leg up by the free popcorn machine and toe a kernel while you pummel my going out Pamper panties.
Godspeed your reply,
Mrs. Woolette