Michael Jordan has come out of retirement once again. This time hes added 10 to his number to make it 33 and his guru coach changed his head on his jumpman logo to an anamorphic ambassadors skull. He looks better than ever and has been working out with a master goat Shepard in Athens. He has gone from donkey bun arms to looking like Clydesdale asses in little more than a summer. He dunks like a mule kick. His head has morphed into a digitised ambassadors skull to make him more compatible with the updated malware fans and Nike has designed a new air Jordan feed bag to fit his cow in the blanket feet.
Me being a curb crawling drunk beacon who curb travels the streets of Chicago enabling Coach Phil Jackson's voodoo wi fi to transmit across the land, would have to say hes got serious game! My money is on the Bulls this year. Way to transform your shift shaping mess of a body Michael. I also heard but cannot confirm that his trademark fruit of the looms have been shrunk down to a micro thong to streamline and swell his sac of jaweahs to the size of basket balls. Its funny to see his parts swell up when his partner Scotty Pippens head has been shrunken and now dangles around super coaches neck.