Pipe me up some I wanna smokee.
AHH good tokes.
Hehe its comin out my nose.
Hooka me some more toke.
Lovely foggy white.
Meerchem carved sailor pipe me
up with tobaccee, i loveee!!!
I just ash right here in my
coat pocket like so. I love saving the memory
of my coughing tear eyed smoke sessions you know.
Im feeling my hand deep down in my pocket for a good memory.
Here look at this dark ash on my pivot finger. This was
purple rose tobacoo. It had an oakie flavor with a hint of
petal posturing in the after taste. It was great after the
noon rains we had on Friday. I packed that purple tobacco
solid in my corn cob and watched a dying pigeon on the stoop
choke on my exhaust. Lovely memory it is, and now it has
transformed into a purple finger thats going a fingering
right here in your ash tray. Im dirty now. I assume people
think im a filthy fool when really im just a sad man covering
myself with my carcenagen memoirs.
I live for the toke and it shows.